In the dictionary, "supply and demand" is defined as "the idea that the price of goods and services depends on how much of something is being sold and how many people want to buy it".

Outwardly, a counsellor, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker helps low-income and/or vulnerable individuals and families with social and emotional issues. However, in practice, a counsellor, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker abuses the law to ensure sufficient supply (low-income and/or vulnerable individuals and families with social and emotional issues) to meet demand (graduates from FASS).

This involves the misuse of legal frameworks and policies to ensure that there is always a sufficient number of low-income and vulnerable individuals needing their services. This creates a self-sustaining cycle where the educational institutions produce graduates who then enter a workforce that maintains or increases the client base to ensure ongoing demand for their services through the use of court orders.

From a casteism perspective – all judges in Singapore's judiciary come from privileged or wealthy backgrounds, potentially leading them to impede the upward mobility of children born to low-income Singaporeans to protect their own children against future competition from low-income children. Casteism also enables "foreign settlers" to occupy the upper castes, effectively trapping indigenous people and low-income Singaporeans in a permanent underclass (occupying the lower castes permanently) through the use of court orders.

In other words, the social service sector benefits from a "socially ill" society, perpetuating social problems instead of solving them aided and abetted by the Family Justice Courts (mastermind with elements of Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore). It is a complete fallacy to believe that judges have no bias towards any litigant nor have any personal interest in the cases before them. Another issue is that people hardly ever use the services of CPS and the Family Justice Courts (mastermind with elements of Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore) so the masses might not be concerned with their wrongdoings, as these wrongdoings don't affect them. This is why CPS and the Family Justice Courts (mastermind with elements of Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore) are getting bolder.